Uniform text of the statute of association Polish Society of Hyperthermic Oncology of May 22nd 2019.
Chapter 1
General provisions
- The Association is called the „Polish Society of Hyperthermic Oncology” – hereinafter referred to as PTHO.
- The headquarters of PTHO and its organs are located in Warsaw.
PTHO has legal personality and acts under the provisions of the Act of 7 April 1989 – Association Law.
- The area of operation of PTHO is the territory of the Republic of Poland.
- PTHO may be a member of national and international organizations with a similar profile operating with full autonomy.
- PTHO may operate outside of the Republic of Poland in accordance with applicable laws.
- PTHO’s business is based on the social work of its members, the association may hire employees or assign specific tasks to other entities.
- PTHO may use badges and seals in accordance with applicable laws.
- PTHO may sponsor organizations and initiatives with convergent aims with PTHO objectives.
Chapter 2
PTHO goals and ways of acting
The purpose of PTHO is:
- conducting scientific and information activities concerning the use of the hyperthermia treatment method in the treatment of oncological and non-oncological diseases,
- strive to provide all cancer patients with access to hyperthermia treatment,
- promoting and implementing therapeutic standards in hyperthermia,
- the pursuit of full funding for treatment using the hyperthermia method within the public health system.
PTHO pursues its goals by:
- speaking and expressing its position in the public forum,
- publishing, exhibition and press activities,
- organizing conferences and congresses,
- organizing training, competitions, lectures,,
- participation in scientific conferences organized by other actors,
- cooperation with public administration bodies and other institutions and entities, directing postulates to them,
- conducting advisory and information activities,
- conducting and supporting research and scientific activities,
- mobilizing its members to publish works in specialist scientific journals,
- running an internet portal and publishing scientific papers on it,
- funding scholarships.
Chapter 3
PTHO members
PTHO members may be natural and legal persons, both domestic and foreign.
PTHO has members:
a) Regular Members
b) Honorary members
- A PTHO member may be any natural person who will submit a written declaration stating the knowledge and approval of the PTHO statute.
- Adoption of new members is made by the Management Board by resolution not later than within two months from the date of submission of the declaration.
- Any natural person who has made a significant contribution to PTHO’s business and development may be a PTHO Honorary Member. The Honorary Member status can be obtained, upon adoption of a resolution by the Management Board upon request of at least ten members of the PTHO.In the same way you can deprive honorary membership.
- PTHO members have an active and passive right to participate in PTHO elections.
- PTHO members have the right to:
– use of the acquis and all forms of PTHO activities,
– attend meetings, lectures and other types of meetings organized by PTHO,
– filing applications for PTHO activities,
– use of PTHO badges. - PTHO members are required to:
– to participate in the activities of the PTHO and pursue its objectives,
– participation in the General Assembly,
– observance with the statute and resolutions of the authorities of the association,
– regular contributions. - honorary members are exempt from membership fees.
- Membership in PTHO ceases as a result of:
a) voluntary written resignation from PTHO affiliation to the Board,
b) exclusion by resolution of the Management Board due to:
– unjustified late payment of membership fees or other obligations for a period exceeding 3 months or more,
– because of the lack of active involvement of the PTHO,
c) failure to meet the conditions to become a member of the association in accordance with applicable law,
d) death of a member. - From the resolution of the Management Board on the deprivation of membership of PTHO the concerned member is entitled to appeal to the Peer Tribunal within 10 days of the date of service of the relevant resolution.
Chapter 4
PTHO authorities
The PTHO authorities are:
a) General Assembly of Members
b) Management
c) Revision Committee
d) Peer Tribunal
Resolutions of the PTHO authorities are passed by open voting by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the composition, unless otherwise stated in the Statute.
The tenure of all elected PTHO authorities is four years.
- The highest authority of the PTHO is the General Assembly of Members.
- The General Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary
- The Ordinary General Meeting is convened every second year, in the middle of the tenure of the elected authorities as reporting meeting and at the end of the tenure of the elected authorities as reporting and electoral meeting. The Board shall notify PTHO members of the date, place and proposed agenda at least 14 days before the date of the General Meeting.
- Extraordinary General Meetings are convened by the Management Board:
a) on its own initiative,
b) at the request of members of the Revision Committee,
c) at the written request of at least 1/3 of the total number of PTHO members. - The Extraordinary General Meeting should be convened no later than 21 days after the date of filing the request and discuss the matters for which it was convened.
- The General Assembly is chaired by the Bureau consisting of the chairman and the secretary.
To the competence of the General Assembly:
a) defining the main directions of action and development of PTHO,
b) adoption of amendments to the statute,
c) selection of members of the Revision Committee, the Peer Tribunal and the Management Board,
d) the dismissal of all PTHO authorities by a 2/3 majority in the presence of at least half of the PTHO members,
e) granting discharge to the Board on the request of the Revision Committee,
f) consider and approve reports of PTHO authorities,
g) adopting a resolution on termination of PTHO and the allocation of its assets,
h) adopting resolutions on all matters not reserved for the competence of other PTHO authorities.
- The board is called to direct the activities of the PTHO in accordance with the resolutions of the General Meeting of Members, representing the PTHO outside.
- The Management Board consists of 3 to 5 persons, from whom the President and the Secretary are elected. Possible is also appoint Vice-Presidents of the Board. Resolutions of the Management Board are adopted by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the Management Board.
- The Management Board is elected and named by the General Assembly of Members. In the same way may dismiss a member of the Board. The first composition of the Board is appointed at the Founder Meeting by Founding Members.
- In case of resignation, exclusion or death of a member of the Management Board, the composition of the Management Board is supplemented during the term of office by the General Meeting of Members.
- Meetings of the Management Board are held according to needs, at least once every six months.
- The person sentenced by a final judgment for a public crime or a fiscal offense, cannot be a member of the Board.
The powers of the Management Board include:
a) directing the current work of PTHO,
b) implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly,
c) assets management of PTHO,
d) planning and conducting financial management,
e) representing the PTHO outside and acting on its behalf,
f) adoption and exclusion of PTHO members,
g) convening the General Assembly,
h) determining membership fees,
i) adopting resolutions on affiliation and cooperation with other national and foreign organizations,
j) entering into cooperation agreements with the administrations and other governing bodies of other organizations,
k) other competences provided for in the statute.
- The Revision Committee is set up to report on the control of PTHO activities.
- Revision Committee consists of 3 to 5 people. Members of the Revision Committee are appointed by the General Assembly of Members in secret ballot. In the same way, members of the Revision Committe are added, or the members replace the resigning members. The first member of the Revision Committee is appointed by the founding members by founding members.
- Meetings of the Revision Committee are held as required, at least once a year. A meeting of the Revision Committee may convene every member of the Revision Committee.
- Members of the Revision Committee may elect from among themselves the Chairperson.
The competence of the Revision Commission is as follows:
a) control of the overall activity of PTHO,
b) evaluation of the work of the Board, including annual reports and balance sheets,
c) requesting to the General Meeting of Members to give discharge to the Management Board,
d) requesting to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members
- Peer Tribunal is composed of 3 members who elect from among themselves the Chairman, Vice-chairmen and Secretary.
- The scope of action of the Peer Court is to consider and settle the matters of members, including the authorities of the Society, concerning non-observance of the statutes, regulations and resolutions, violations of the principles of social coexistence, disputes arising from the activities of the PTHO and consideration of appeals against resolutions of the Management Board to the extent specified in § 10 point 2
- The Peer Tribunal may issue the following penalties:
a) a warning,
b) a suspension of the rights of a PTHO member for a period of 3 months to 2 years,
c) exclusion of a member from PTHO. - The decisions of the Peer Tribunal have the right to appeal to the General Assembly of Members of the Society, whose ruling is final.
Chapter 5
Property and financial management
- Sources of PTHO assets are:
a) membership fees,
b) donations, records and inheritances, resources from public donations, sponsorship,
c) subsidies, interests, deposits, bank interest,
d) receipts from statutory activities. - PTHO carries out financial management in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Decisions on the acquisition, disposal and encumbering of PTHO assets are made by the Management Board.
- PTHO does not conduct business.
For the submission of declarations of will, including the commitment of property on behalf of the Polish Society of Hyperthermic Oncology are entitled two members of the Management Board acting jointly or the Secretary himself.
Chapter 6
Final provisions
- Resolutions of the General Assembly of Members are taken by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the people plus one entitled to vote at the first date, and the second time convened after 15 minutes of not attaining the required quorum irrespective of the number of members present unless the Act or this Statute They require stricter voting conditions. Voting is open but may be secret at the request of at least half of the participants of the General Meeting eligible to vote. Voting on election and discharge is secret. To calculate the votes, the President of the General Assembly shall appoint a Returning Committee, which shall be approved by the meeting participants.
- The resolution of resolve the PTHO takes the General Meeting of Members by a qualified majority of 2/3 of the votes, with the presence of at least 1/5 of the members entitled to vote.
- By adopting a resolution to resolve the PTHO, the General Meeting of Members determines the manner of its liquidation and the allocation of PTHO assets.
- The contents of the PTHO seal, its pattern, logo, honor badges and other badges will be determined by the Board.